In undertaking work in support of Construction, Refurbishment, Decommissioning, and Engineering across the Marine, Defence, Energy and other markets Harland and Wolff (Belfast) Limited (‘H&W’) is committed to maintaining an ongoing focus on Occupational Health and Safety.
The Directors recognise and embrace their duties and responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Order (NI) 1978, and all other statutory requirements and codes of practice which relate to the company’s activities for the health, safety and welfare of all of its employees and all other persons reasonably likely to be affected by its activities. In doing so they have developed and maintained this Policy as documented information and ensured that it is communicated within the company and made available to interested parties via the company web-site at The management system is developed to identify, consider and mitigate both the risks and opportunities which may arise due to the company’s activities.
H&W manages Occupational Health and Safety by ensuring that its employees, contractors and sub-contractors, at all levels accept and carry out their assigned duties, in full compliance with this Policy and all aspects of the Safety Management System.
H&W has adopted and is committed to the development of a Health and Safety Management System in compliance with OHSAS 18001, and seeks to continually improve its Occupational Health and Safety performance.
The key elements of this Policy are:
- To promote high standards of health and safety as a core company value.
- To eliminate hazards and reduce Occupational Health and Safety risks associated with the company’s business activities in all locations that it undertakes work
- To provide appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision
- To provide a safe place of work with safe access and egress at all times
- To provide safe plant, equipment and machinery
- To provide suitable protective clothing and equipment where hazards cannot reasonably be eliminated
- To provide systems for prevention of risk to health from any activity or substance
- To provide systems for maintaining welfare and hygiene facilities as appropriate
- To allow adequate time for the preparation and planning of all work activities
- To provide competent training and, where necessary, advise and assist in securing the health, safety and welfare of employees
All Directors, Managers and Supervisory staff are committed to the prevention of injury and ill-health at work, to complying with applicable legal and all other requirements to which the company subscribes that relate to its occupational health and safety hazards, and to providing a framework for setting and reviewing objectives to assist in continual improvement of the Safety Management System and its occupational health and safety performance.
It is the duty of all employees at work:
- To take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work, and to co-operate with the company in fulfilling its statutory duties
- Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety
This Occupational Health and Safety Policy shall be reviewed at least annually, amended and updated as and when necessary. Communication of any such changes will be made to all of the company’s employees. In addition, there are established and maintained procedures for consultation and communications between all levels of management and employees on all matters relating to safety, health and welfare at work.